I’m so glad I started a blog.
This blog began as a way for me to vent about Jude’s challenges, and at the time, my health concerns. However it has led me to new friendships—and one that has changed our family forever.
About a year ago, Chris & I began to talk about adoption as a way to expand our family. We had decided more biological kids were not in the cards for us, but that one more child might be good for our family.
Through my health journey, we met a family that became foster and adoptive parents through the Department of Human Services. We liked the idea that we could be a safe haven for a local child temporarily, and if this child needed a permanent home, that we could provide one.
So we took a 10-week class, had an extensive home study done, and got our license to foster care and/or adopt a child in July 2013. When it arrived in the mail, Chris said, “Well, this just got real...” :)
During this process, I relied on my new friend for advice. We would get calls about kids needing homes. They were heart-breaking stories. We knew our family’s limits, so we were careful on the criteria that would work for all of us.
This blog began as a way for me to vent about Jude’s challenges, and at the time, my health concerns. However it has led me to new friendships—and one that has changed our family forever.
About a year ago, Chris & I began to talk about adoption as a way to expand our family. We had decided more biological kids were not in the cards for us, but that one more child might be good for our family.
Through my health journey, we met a family that became foster and adoptive parents through the Department of Human Services. We liked the idea that we could be a safe haven for a local child temporarily, and if this child needed a permanent home, that we could provide one.
So we took a 10-week class, had an extensive home study done, and got our license to foster care and/or adopt a child in July 2013. When it arrived in the mail, Chris said, “Well, this just got real...” :)
During this process, I relied on my new friend for advice. We would get calls about kids needing homes. They were heart-breaking stories. We knew our family’s limits, so we were careful on the criteria that would work for all of us.
I’m happy to say that we now have someone staying with us. For legal reasons, we have to be very careful about privacy. But if you run into us at Target, or the library feel free to say hi and meet this child who is part of our family—because at least for now, this little one is.
I wouldn’t say that it’s been an easy path. My friend told me once, “You never get a guarantee about how long you get to parent ANY of your kids.” That is certainly true. And now we’ve been given an opportunity to help someone feel safe, stay healthy and be part of a family just like the many other foster/adoptive families have been doing in our community for much longer than we have. Yet, there is always a need for more.
This winter, as I look outside at all the snow, I see tiny flecks of light. I always look for at least three flecks that represent our three kids (right now). Sometimes, if the light is not right, I can barely find them. And other times, I see hundreds of these specks. I think that they represent all the kids that need homes for a day, a year or a lifetime. I share our story today in case you may know of a family that might also need a little speck of light in their lives.
I wouldn’t say that it’s been an easy path. My friend told me once, “You never get a guarantee about how long you get to parent ANY of your kids.” That is certainly true. And now we’ve been given an opportunity to help someone feel safe, stay healthy and be part of a family just like the many other foster/adoptive families have been doing in our community for much longer than we have. Yet, there is always a need for more.
This winter, as I look outside at all the snow, I see tiny flecks of light. I always look for at least three flecks that represent our three kids (right now). Sometimes, if the light is not right, I can barely find them. And other times, I see hundreds of these specks. I think that they represent all the kids that need homes for a day, a year or a lifetime. I share our story today in case you may know of a family that might also need a little speck of light in their lives.
My Cinquain:
Now Five
Defined by love
Each one helping another
Now Five
Defined by love
Each one helping another